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Currencies & Rates


You may view the price of the merchandise in 23 major currencies. To select a currency of your choice, simply click on the currency name.

Display CurrencySymbol Rate to S$ Amount for
*American DollarUS$0.757611.31995
Australian DollarA$1.092770.91511
Brazilian RealBRL4.117360.24287
British Pound£0.566111.76644
Canadian DollarCA$1.023770.97678
Chinese YuanCNY5.313160.18821
Croatian kunaHRK5.150970.19414
Czech KorunaCZK17.072650.05857
Danish KronerDKK5.059970.19763
Hong Kong DollarHK$5.885230.16992
Hungarian ForintHUF269.798310.00371
Iceland KronaISK102.405560.00977
Indian RupeeRs63.480490.01575
Indonesian RupiahRp11,480.412880.00009
Israeli New ShekelILS2.806890.35627
Japanese Yen¥107.598140.00929
Malaysian RinggitRM3.115260.32100
Mexican PesoMXN14.916900.06704
New Zealand DollarNZ$1.190050.84030
Norwegian KronerNOK7.954460.12572
Philippine PesoPs42.465340.02355
Poland zlotyPLN2.898920.34496
Romanian LeuRON3.376620.29615
Russian RubleRUB70.646740.01415
Singapore DollarS$1.000001.00000
South African RandZAR12.928620.07735
South Korean WonWon992.728490.00101
Swedish KronaSEK7.650940.13070
Swiss FrancCHF0.637651.56825
Thai BahtBht24.385430.04101
Turkish LiraTRY25.899660.03861


  • Currently selected currency is USD.
  • Rates are updated weekly (automated). Last update was 30-Sep-2024 GMT +08:00.
  • The base currency used on this website is Singapore dollar.
  • All currency rates used are suggestive of the chosen currency and may differ from your bank rates.

Payment by Credit Card via PayPal

PayPal will accept the following 5 currencies:

U.S. Dollar (US$)
Canadian Dollar (CAD)
Euros (€)
Sterling Pound (£)
Japanese Yen (¥)

Offline Payment

Offline payment (Telegraphic transfer, cheques, postal order, money order, bank draft, etc.) can only be made to one of the following 2 currencies:

U.S. Dollar (US$)
Singapore Dollar (S$)
*Sterling Pound (British postal order only)

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